Wedding Card Distribution pun nk buat post la? Ngaa. Kad sebenarnya April lg dh siap. Parents masa first week of June dh start distribute. I yg delay2 sbb tah nape neves la malu la rasa awal lg la. Padahal guest list pn awal awal lg dh buat. The first card I bagi kt Iqa thru poslaju sbb I nk bagi dia and anak dia present. So dlm plastic tu I letak princesscarves, teetherbyjelither, and kad i. Hehe. Ni je la yg I pos. Nk pos lain2 kang kne bayar la or tak sempat sbb raya kan pejabat pos tak beroperasi. Kang lepas kahwin bru smpai kad kt org. Haha. Next two cards I bagi kt dba and fiffy, sbb jumpa dorg for iftar utk bagi shawl dulang girls, then bg kad jgk. Pastu second last week of puasa ada training dgn kawan kawan yep/ygp uem, so last day training tu I distribute kad jgk. Seronok masing2 bila bgtahu dorg ni kira first batch yg dpt kad. Haha. Excited mende tahh.

1st day of raya, I dh nekad nk blast invitation. Tapi I xnk guna fb invitation tu sbb mcm ikhlas tak ikhlas je ajak. Haha. Tp ok jgk sbb nnt ada reminder kan, and boleh buat rough calculations sape tekan ‘Going’. Jadinya, pagi pagi raya tu I prepare printed guest list I tu dgn pen. Tips taknak tertinggal nama guest, masa buat list tu, separatekan ikut kategori in few columns. Contoh mcm I, I start dgn kawan kawan baik, kawan skolah rendah, then menengah, asasi, degree, intern, keje first, keje current, and others (socmed friends, online business customers, new friends, etc). So time tgh nk recall nama2 tu senang sikit bila ikut phase hidup cmni. Hehe.

Pagi pagi sementara tggu org lain bersiap, I start hantar invitation. Buat template ucapan selamat hari raya, pstu jemput dtg wedding skali. I hantar e-card thru whatsapp, instadirect, and fb messenger. Tapi klau kt insta tu dia jd blur sikit, so sebaiknya mintak la no fon utk whatsapp. Seronok dpt tegur kawan kawan yg lama x contact, cikgu cikgu, and bos bos lama. Seronok jgk bila sume wish congrats and mendoakan I dan Hairi. Mostly tak terkejut pn I nak kahwin, sbb kt social media sume dh nmpk I asyik post je psl Hairi. Hahaaa. Happy sgt ada org nak kt kite ni gamaknya. Heheee.

Then I buat follow up mengikut msg replies, blueticks, ‘seen’ kt insta and fb tu. Yg tak seen tu I cuba la reach jgk utk dia baca msg i. Sbb kadang2 org tak bukak kan. Yg dh seen tp tak reply tu sampai hati. Haha. Next, lebih kurg 10 days before wedding, baru I start distribute cards kt officemates. Sesungguhnya I seorang yg sgt pendiam pemalu di office. Maka utk tawaf satu floor and bagi kad kt setiap seorg tu adalah sgt di luar my comfort. Menggigil gigil tgn nak bagi. Hehe. Byk la soal jawab time bagi, and bahan membahan i. “dpt org mana” “keje mana lelaki bertuah ni”. Bila jawab keje Teras, tnya pulak “boleh trust ke?”. Hahaaa.. Ada jgk yg  “alaa lepasni takde chance dh la utk sy” “alaa baru ingt nk kenalkan dgn someone”. Ngaaaa. Tapi lepastu semua mendoakan and bagi nasihat2 😊

Then, malam semalam bestfriends I The Ladies, gather nk visit our first member yg ada baby, Fazlin. Lepas tgk baby Maryam Nafeesa, makan2 gelak2, then before balik I bagi dorg kad. Dorg ni xdpt kad pn wajib dtg, so xpela bg lambat. Hehe. And paling terharu bila one of them siap buat post for me with sweet wishes and something worth to share. Meh baca sama.


Last Raya Single


Raya this year mcm emotional sikit. First, colour baju raya I tak sama dgn Ramos family. Sbbnya dorg pakai baju sedondon time I tunang dulu. Why lah I tak beli jgk that timeeee. Next, sbb everyone bila nk bgambar je akan ckp “ni last amik gambar raya dgn dini”. Ish, I nak kahwin, bukan nak matiii. Ngaaaa. And mmg next year kne raya Terengganu dlu ke? Hahahaa. Hairi dear, kita discuss, amalkan toleransi, dan buat keputusan yang adil ok nanti. Haha.

Syawal jgk mengingatkn I dgn pertemuan I dgn Hairi, which was during raya month jgk last year. And secara tak sengaja, kami bernikah nnt pn masih lg dlm bulan Syawal. Raya this year ramai family members buat theme colour ikut theme wedding I, hehe senang ulang pakai je nnt. And raya ni jgk daddy conduct my wedding meeting. I dh prepare all the wedding items; buat aturcara majlis with specific time, buat pengagihan task for both nikah and majlis, checklist, and layout plan. So masa meeting tu ada la some changes and improvements from aunties and cousin, and follow up meeting akan diadakan lg before majlis. Huhu.

One day before raya, I printed my guest list. So starting from pagi raya and bila bila ada free time je, I send raya wish tgether with my wedding invitation cards thru whatsapp, fb messenger and Instagram message. Neves and happy stiap kali org reply, and rasa wedding tu nk dkt sgt dahh.  Kalau berkesempatan, baru I bg physical card to them sbb mcm tak cukup weekend dh nk jumpa jumpa org..but at least e-card dh smpai ke dorg kan. Parents pn dh start kasi cards to family and friends. Dh huru hara dh kiraan jemputan ni, since ada yg bg kad, ada yg ecard, ada yg both. Pstu ada yg tkde dlm list tp ttbe nk jemput, ada yg jemput tp tak sure dtg, ada yg tak dpt dtg. Ngaa. Cmne la org buat wedding yg seated eh. Sbb mostly sume ckp InsyaAllah je. Hehe. Harapnya masa majlis nnt makanan and doorgift cukup utk semua org. Tak terlebih banyak sgt, and harapnya jangan lah tak cukup. Ni paling family I risau sekali.

And to date, my wedding dress tak siap lg sbb my tailor beraya, doorgift ada a few tak siap lg sbb orgnya serta org pos beraya, and videographer tk reply msg, probably sbb beraya jgk. Haha. Yang lain lain, kita follow up next week bila org dh done beraya. Harapnya tidak menyestresskan. Hehe.

Makin lama perhati calendar and countdown apps I ni, rasa nk dkt sgt dah kahwin. Tiba tiba je haa. Haritu rasa beratus hari lg, pastu berpuluh hari, now dah berbelas hari jeeee. Ngaa. Lagi dekat nk kahwin ni, Alhamdulillah tkde la pulak mcm diduga ttbe rasa taknak kahwin, takut kahwin ke, ragu ragu nak kahwin ke..tapi rasa tak sabar nk kawen tu sokmo rasa. Hahaa. Rasa nak kahwin sampai nak skip dream majlis tu, sbb malas fikir dah last last ni. Hehe. Tapi time raya ni, mcm mcm org post kt socmed kan..tapi I percaya ada sebab Allah bagi I nmpak semua tu..supaya I berfikir, I ready and prepare for what’s coming.

Contohnya, I nampak post psl lelaki tengking bini masa shopping raya, tapi lepas tu I nampak jgk post pasal lelaki menangis bila tau wife dia pregnant after 5 years mencuba. Then I nampak post psl lelaki happy beraya dgn wife baru sedangkan wife lama first time raya dgn anak anak je, tapi lepas tu I nampak ramai je org happy bila raya tanpa husband/ayah. I ada jgk nampak post psl org org duk puji and tayang girlfriend memasing cantik masa raya, then lepastu nampak jgk all the sweet captions from wives to husbands utk wish father’s day. And tak lupa tgk ada kwn yg bjauhan dgn pasangan masa raya, atau first time raya keluarga mertua on first day raya, tapi then seronok pulak tgk kwn kwn yg excited first time raya dgn husband, first time raya dgn anak. Life brings you a lot of possibilities, adventures and challenges. And I can’t wait to start my life with you, Hairi. Hopefully both of us will attract as much positivities in us, and Allah will bless us with happy and wonderful life together.


Less than one month nak kahwin dahh. And smpai ke sudah hashtag dgn Hairi tak jumpa lg. Ngaaa. Creative creative I pn, yg ni lambat sikit nk dpt. Hehe. So hashtag #dinitobini je la yg I ada utk I guna dlm phase tunang ni.

So far everything mcm dh 80% complete. Dlm calendar I skrg tggu nk raya, then gunakan baki weekends yg ada utk appoinment2 typical pengantin perempuan; last fitting, dental, waxing, spa. Ngaa. And yang paling tak keruan dlm phase skrg ni mesti la MamaDaddy. Sbb first time nk buat wedding anak. Masih blur blur what to and not to expect. Takut tak cukup or terlebih itu ini. Semoga Allah lancarkan majlis kitorg.

I akan rinduuu doing all the preparations. Pening pening cari doorgift, gaduh gaduh design pelamin, berubah ubah design baju, struggle teruk nk turunkan berat badan, berkali kali pegi kedai bunga, bertukar tukar design and colour dulang hantaran, order mcm mcm wedding things from Lazada,  scroll insta and save sume perkara psl weddings, making friends with all vendors, whatsapp kakak2 sedara and kawan2 psl wedding preparations and etc.

And akan rindu jugak phase kenal Hairi dgn lebih dekat, tinggal jauh jauh drpd Hairi, facetime dgn Hairi setiap malam, buat presentation kt facetime every time nk discuss psl budgets and planning, mengada rindu rindu smpai nangis and gelak gelak gedik bila berangan angan kahwin dgn Hairi. Hehee..Tapi tak sabar jgk nk hidup berdua dgn Hairi lepas niii. Semoga Allah permudahkannn.

Raya ni I start send out wedding invitations okay. Tolong doakan majlis I lancar dan yeee. Aaaaa nervous !

Selamat Hari Raya !

Wedding Preparation – Photo/Video

Another important thing on my list is photographer and videographer. I mmg nak sgt ada gmba kawen cantik and video best to keep. Photographers ada byk yg I follow kt insta, and mostly sama je semua. Semua know their job and gamba semua cantik. But for videographer, ada one particular ni yg I suka, destoryteller. Mcm addictive gila tgk video2 dia especially utk insta 1 min. Dh berangan dh nk ada vdeo mcmtu. Bila tnjuk kt Hairi pn dia suka. Tapiii..bila I pm, dorg kata dh tak available dh Tarikh nikah n sanding i. Aaaaaa stress.

Then kebetulan weekend tu ada expo jomkahwin dkt midvalley. I pergi dgn the whole family..hahaa. Sbbnya daddy pandai sikit nk nego2 ni. Masuk je hall tu, mmg macam2 promo ada utk segala apa berkaitan wedding. Tapi aim ktorg nk cari photographer and videographer. Lepas satu, satu booth kitorg visit and dgr dorg punya promo. So ktorg dpt la tau range harga and apa yg ada dlm pakej2. Sampai penat la dgr and berjalan. Pastu ktorg g satu booth ni, which mcm tersorok sikit, and less people kt booth tu. We sat, and ada dua org layan ktorg, explain the promo, collaboration dgn which videographer, tnjuk album options, and free items apa yg akan dpt. Daddy mcm seronok pulak dgr the freegifts, so mintak tambah itu ini yg free. I pulak cuba nego utk video fast editing and 1 min insta video. Mama pulak pilihkan jenis album. Dh lepak lama situ nego itu ini, gelak sini sana, we came with one price. Tapi daddy kata nk pikir dulu. Pastu ktorg g mnum jap, and discuss..compare2 rasa yg last tu yg mcm the la..sbb dh sembang2 daddy call org tu suruh dtg join ktorg mnum. Nego sikit lg, then terus secure booking.


Photographer: Kenangan Studio

Videographer: Kaio Studio


Hope the results will meet my expectation !

Wedding Preparation – Wedding Venue

For wedding preparations ni, I share the items je, without the price okayy. Different people different preference and budgets kan. My wedding ni mengikut kemampuan I and kemampuan family. We keep track on all of our spendings by making an excel sheet with all the details. So each and everyone tau berapa dh spend, and boleh agak agak which items boleh cancel or tukar.

First thing that we looked for was the wedding hall. Terpedaya dek org kata kne book dewan setahun awal, and with my cousin’s assistance, ktorg cari a few quotations. From the beginning, mmg nk caterer Felda Saji, so ktorg tgk la option2 hall yg dia ada. But I secretly wanting my wedding to be at Dewan Perdana Felda, Jalan Semarak KL. It was my dream since 8 years ago. Sbb i suka ceiling dia. Hehe. My parents agreed to go and discuss abt DPF, so we went there on one weekend. Masa pegi tu mcm bukan survey pn, mmg terus parents I pn suka with that dewan, terus secure booking. Alhamdulillah, available lg date i masa tu. Dewan tu oval shaped, so boleh nmpk the pelamin from whichever angle, and kedudukan dia bertingkat tingkat, so tak dihalang org dpn. Parking ada banyakk, kt luar and basement. Ada 2 holding rooms, surau and toilets pn senang. Dewan ni customer friendly jugak sbb takyah naik turun lif, masuk pintu utama, terus masuk pintu dewan. Ahhh perfect !

But the price only include harga dewan, basic pelamin, and food je. So ada banyaaaak lg mende kene cari sendiri. But I don’t mind, sbb mmg nk cari ikut yg puas hati..tak la terikat dgn package yg all in one.


May 2018

May has always been my favourite month. As much as it brought happiness in years before, this year pn byk sgt perkara seronok berlaku. Sbb bulan ni kiranya lg dua bulan to my wedding, byk la hal wedding berlaku. Tempah kasut, meeting pelamin rumah, first fitting baju kahwin, doorgift smpai, hias dulang hantaran, etc. Details in following posts okay. Hehe.

May jugak bulan birthday I. 16th May. My ladies planned I pnya bachelorette party this month, sbb tkut lepas puasa nnt dh tak sempat nk curi masa i. We had a small celebration at Jibby & Co on 13th May. Dorg celebrate my birthday skali masa tu. Tapi x cukup org..fazlin and fawie tak join 😦

A day before my birthday, Hairi ada meeting kt KL. This year first time bday ada tunang. Ngehh. After work tu ktorg g jalan2 and makan. Hairi xdpt stay until birthday I sbb dia keje and one day after tu pn Ramadhan start. Hari birthday I, I g keje cecantik..kwn2 ofis puji tp taktau hari tu bday I. Sampai lah around 10am tu ada org call ckp nk deliver ice cream cake. Time amik tu neves sbb mcm confuse sape la bagi..Sbb rasanya Hairi tak sweet cmni. Hahaha. Bila bwk naik ofis bru kwn2 tau bday i. Bukak kotak tu baru ada kad was from Fara and Melur. Ngee. Sweet sgt tauuu. Seronok kwn2 ofis mkn ice cream. Siap pada another kotak ice cream lg utk bg fmily kt rumah jgk. Thanks faraaa.

Tak lama lepas kek tu habis, I dpt call delivery lg. Bila turun lobby, tgk ada org bwk bunga and belon love. Menggigil masa tu..Happy sesangatnya bila tau they were from Hairi. Laju kejap jantung masa baca kad, siap ternangis sbb emosi sgtt. Hahahaa. Cantik sgt combination flowers tu, siap ada my favourite chocolate. Naik ofis terus call Hairi. Aaaa seronoknya ada tunang sweet..u kne sweet cmni on every of my birthday tauu. Hahaa.

And sbb Ramadhan falls one day after my birthday, hritu ada bacaan Yassin and makan2 kt floor i. Kira mcm skali la celebrate birthday i. Hehe. Ramadhan this year I tak join iftar kt hotel2 dgn kontraktor mcm last year. Sbb nk jaga badan utk kawen kononnyaaa. Tp family ada la bwk bbuka kt luar and bbuka kt hotel jgk. Hahaa. Ada jgk pegi bbuka dgn Syiqim and Jia and Syiqim surprised me with pink daisy flowers too kt ofis earlier that day. Nenkiuu. Day after tu pegi overnight dgn Bna pulak..last la lepak bujang2 ni dgn dia..Aaa emosi japp. Dari sebelum tdo, ke tdo, ke bgn sahur, ke tggu subuh, ke bgn pagi tu, borak psl kawen je haa. Heheee.

This month jgk dpt tau Hairi dpt transfer keje kt KL, and my houseloan dh disburse and ready utk ambil kunci. Alhamdullillah. Minggu akhir May, Hairi ada training lg kt KL, and smbung duk KL lama sikit sbb long weekend. Dpt la iftar dgn Hairi and last minute settle2 things for wedding. Hahh im left with 5 weeks to my wedding. So nnt slow2 I update wedding preparations pulak kt sini k.